More to Morden - The Independent Issue
As 2018 see's local council elections happening in May, More to Morden features a piece from Merton Park Ward's Independent Residents' Councillor Peter Southgate, and hears his views on the Morden Regeneration plans. Now delivered to every home in Morden, More to Morden is fast becoming the go-to newsletter for local views, property news and general neigbourliness, but if you haven't got your copy yet, you can read More to Morden online or email Turners for a pdf copy.
If you are a local charity, school or community organisation and would like to be featured in More to Morden send us your stories and we will do our best to fit you in! Alternatively, we offer very competitive rates for local businesses and not-for-profit's and More to Morden is delivered to over 15,000 local residents.