Light Up Morden - 2016

27th November 2016
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Once again, the volunteers behind Love Morden have come together to help make Morden a great place to live by bringing you Light Up Morden 2016!

Although the Love Morden Team took a break in 2015, they are now back and are making sure that this years Light Up morden will be the best so far. We are pleased to announce that this year Turners have been involved from the start with our markeeting guy designing the posters, helping to distribute them to local business and also sourcing gifts fro the goddy bags!

With Stars in their Eyes, performers the Everley Others, the St Helier Community Schools, Morden Park Choir and local Drummers all performing around the Civic Centre, Love Morden are confident that the event will be a great success.

The final programme is about to be relased very shortly so do check out the Love Morden Facebook Page


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