A spacious 4-bedroom family home on Northway, near Cannon Hill Common, Morden/Raynes Park Borders...

More To Morden - Issue 2

17th April 2016
An Occasional publication, keeping people in the loop on local views, property news and general neighbourliness....
We featured a small piece about the Perseid school in the More to Morden newsletter, but Headteacher, Tina Harvey, had so much to tell us, and so much passion about her job that we just had to do a fuller questions and answer feature on our blog...
Bold as brass and with a heart of Gold, Councillor Maxi Martin gave every cloud a silver lining.
Turners Property's new facebook post is a cheeky take on Protein World's beach body ready ad last year...
A new community newsletter published by Turners Property keeps locals in the know...
Turners enlist the help of local school children to design our company Christmas card.
Park Community School pupils get cracking on some 'eggstraordinary' decorations for Turners, Easter window display.
This attractive, 5-bedroom family home on Mossville Road, Morden was recently sold by Turners Property...

Property Prospects

22nd December 2014
Robert Davies, Director of Turners Property, gives his predictions for your local property market in 2015...