A Tribute to Councillor Maxi Martin
The staff at Turners were saddened to hear the news that local councillor Maxi Martin had died in her sleep last week.
Having known Maxi only short time, she quickly made an impression on our Director, Robert Davies and he always looked forward to seeing her.
We first met Maxi after we asked local councillors if they would be available to judge our annual children’s Christmas card competition in December 2014. Maxi’s smiling personality and passion for working with children made her the perfect choice, and she was more than happy to oblige.
So, the following year, when Maxi came knocking at our door asking us to help out with designing and printing the posters for the Armed Forces Day we were more than happy to lend our support. As always, Mrs Martin had used her charm to twist arms and make this annual event a big part of the Morden community calendar and so we hope it long continues.
By December 2015 and the Christmas card competition had more entries than ever, we immediately approached Maxi once again to be a judge. She jumped at the chance but little did we know that by now she was slowing down and having to pick and choose her engagements carefully.
Would we have still her asked her if we have known the truth?
Probably not, but perhaps selfishly I am pleased that we did, as for one last time Maxi made our small occasion sparkle and it was obvious that the parents, teachers and children that joined us at the prize-giving all loved her.
And so on behalf of Turners I would like to pass on our condolences to her family and friends. She left us with a template of how a local councillor should be. Passionate, caring and sassy with it.