Morden Regeneration Update June 2017

9th June 2017
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At the latest Merton Park Ward Residents Association meeting (MPWRA), residents were once again able to hear from Head of Future Merton, Paul McGarry about the plans for Morden Regeneration as well as ask questions about the proposed changes and the effect it will have on residents lives. 

Although, not much to tell at this stage, progress is being made, but with such a large-scale redevelopment, most of which reveloves around the Underground Station it is understandable that it is sometimes a case of two steps forward and one back as all stakeholders have to be repeatedly consulted as well as fending off queries from curious residents, (and estate agents!) 

You can click on the image below which will take you to a pdf of the slides presented to the MPWRA.

Map showing areas of Merton that present development opportunity, including Morden.


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