Morden Redevelopment News
While the planning continues, these renovations aim to raise the quality and perception of Morden town centre by improving the shopping parade in London Road. This will entail building restoration, progressive design, new public art and refurbishments and replacements to shop-front signage and window displays. A contractor has been commissioned for the construction (who has agreed to take on several apprentices from South Thames College). The works which began recently should be completed in early 2017.
Turners Property, although not part of the scheme, have also refurbished their own signage with further improvments to the window display and lighting currently being carried out.
Roads vs Pedestrians, Merton has received £200,000 to develop designs for Morden’s roads and public spaces over the next three years. Since April Merton and TfL have been working on ideas to overhaul Morden’s public realm. Potential schemes would reduce the dominance of traffic by removing the gyratory around the Civic Centre and create new public spaces to raise the quality of Morden’s High Street. If successful Merton will mount a further bid to TfL for £8m investment in the road network in 2019 to carry out the works.
Housing Zone status has been granted to Morden. Subject to legal and financial due diligence, developers will be able to access £42m. This funding from the Mayor will promote development sites in the town centre. The new status brings closer the prospect of many more new homes in the area and more attractive streets, while revitalising businesses with new business space and customers...
You can read the full article in the autumn edition of FORUM the newsletter for Merton Park Ward Residents Association