New Mayor for Merton Announced

17th April 2017
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Merton Council Leader, Stephen Alambritis, has formally nominated Labour Councillor Marsie Skeete to be Merton's Mayor for 2017-2018. 

Councillor Skeete will formally take over the role from the incumbant Mayor, Brenda Fraser, at a sepcial ceremony on May 17th. Skeete will be the third consecutive Mayor to be selected from the Longthornton ward of Merton and she has been a councillor since 2014.

Aside from her policitcal duties, Marise Skeete is an English teacher at HMP High Down Prison in Belmont.

The role of Mayor is non-political, though the mayor is usually chosen from the governing party and represents the citizens of the Borough. One of the key areas is raising awareness for local charities and every year the Mayor chooses two charities for the duration of the tenure. 

Current Mayor, Brenda Fraser, chose Age UK Merton & the Avanti Club and has helped to raise thousands of pounds through vairous fundraising activites. The new Mayor will appoint her charites once sworn in on May 17th.

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